- CONTACT: Debbie Havens, Clerk of the Commission
- 447-8410 – dhavens (at) ci.helena.mt.us
The City of Helena is seeking interested citizens to serve on the following boards:Lewis and Clark County Heritage Preservation and Tourism Council
The By-Laws of the Lewis and Clark County Heritage Preservation and Tourism Development Council was adopted by the Helena City Commission and the Board of County Commissioners in March of 2012. The Council shall consist of seven (7) members who have a demonstrated interest in protecting or promoting the heritage resources of the City and/or the County.
Three (3) of the selected members shall have professional expertise in the disciplines of history, planning, archaeology, architecture, architectural history, or other historic preservation-related disciplines such as cultural geography or cultural anthropology. Three (3) members shall have a demonstrated interest in the arts or culture and tourism and economic development in the City and the County and one member of the selected members shall be an architect.
Three (3) at-large members to reside outside the City limits, but within the jurisdictional area of the Council to be appointed by the County Commissioners; Three (3) at-large members to reside within the City limits to be appointed by the Mayor of the city of Helena with City Commission concurrence and One (1) at large member to be selected jointly by the County Commission Chair and the Mayor and submitted to their respective Commissioners for final approval.
The terms will be staggered with one city, one county and the joint members being appointed for one year terms; one city and one county member being appointed to two year terms; and one city and one county being appointed to three year terms. Thereafter terms on the council will be three year terms.
Non-Motorized Travel Advisory Council (NMTAC)
Two residents of the City of Helena to serve on NMTAC. The terms will begin upon appointment and expire March 31, 2015. Interested persons should have knowledge, expertise and interest in promoting non-motorized transportation and traffic calming.
The general purpose of the council is to advise the City Commission and Neighborhood Transportation Program. Duties will include:
- Recommending priorities in plan implementation and facility maintenance;
- Advocating for non-motorized facilities in development projects;
- Developing, supporting and sponsoring educational programs;
- Advocating for funding in the City budget and identifying potential funding sources;
- Reviewing and advising on grant applications, including CTEP;
- Advising on traffic-calming measures;
- Developing and distributing a non-motorized transportation system map.
Public Art Committee
One artist representative and one art organization representative to serve on the Public Art Committee. The artist representative is an unexpired term that will begin upon appointment and expire December 31, 2012. The art organization representative term will begin upon appointment and expire December 31, 2014.
This committee promotes community awareness of public art and will be involved in recommendations for providing public art in Helena. Goals and guidelines have been established to assist the committee members.Applications are available at www.ci.helena.mt.us /commission/boards or by calling 447-8410 and can be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office, 316 N. Park Avenue, Room 323, Helena, MT 59623 or to dhavens@ci.helena.mt.us or at the Board of County Commission, 316 N. Park Avenue, Room 304, Helena, MT 59623 or to cbyrnes@co.lewis-clark.mt.us
The deadline for applications is 4:00 p.m., Thursday, April 19, 2012.