Monday, April 28, 2014

Help Plan the Future of Transportation in Helena! Public meeting May 8, 2014, at 6pm!

April 24, 2014


For more information:
Jeff Key, Project Manager, RPA, (406) 447-5000

Informational meeting to discuss the Greater Helena Area Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) – City of Helena & Lewis and Clark County

Helena - The City of Helena, Lewis and Clark County and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) have initiated a community transportation planning process to update their existing Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  The Plan provides a blueprint for guiding transportation infrastructure investments based on identified needs.  The first of three informational meetings will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in Helena at the City-County Building, Commission Chambers, 316 North Park Avenue.  The meeting will begin with a presentation at 6:00 p.m., followed by work station break-outs. A question and answer period will be provided at the end of the meeting. 

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and identify the issues and visioning that should be addressed as part of the Plan. This is an important opportunity to learn about the LRTP Update and to express your thoughts on existing and future transportation conditions in the Greater Helena area.

The LRTP is intended to facilitate community goals and improve the transportation infrastructure and services within the Greater Helena area to meet the needs of existing and future demands.  The Plan will address all modes of transportation in a balanced attempt to meet current and future needs while complying with State and Federal requirements. 

Participation is a very important part of the process, and citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate.  Opinion, comments and concerns may be submitted in writing at the meeting, by mail to Jeff Key, Project Manager, Robert Peccia and Associates, PO Box 5653, Helena, MT. 59604, or by email
Please indicate comments are for the Greater Helena Area LRTP.  RPA and the project partners will collect and consider all comments to better understand the potential transportation system issues and concerns within the Greater Helena area.

Future announcements will be made prior to all events through the local media and the LRTP mailing list.  Interested parties are encouraged to join the study mailing list by submitting their name and contact information to Jeff Key at

A website has been developed and can be accessed at:


or, visit the project’s Facebook page at:

The City of Helena, Lewis and Clark County, MDT and RPA attempt to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with a person participating in this meeting.  Alternative accessible formats of information presented at the meeting can be provided upon request.   Accommodation requests are encouraged at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.  For further information, call (406) 447-5000 or (406) 447-8099.

Project name:  Greater Helena Area Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) - 2014
City of Helena & Lewis and Clark County

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Openings on the City of Helena Board of Adjustment, Civil Service Board, Non-Motorized Travel Advisory Council, Zoning Commission and Lewis & Clark County Heritage Preservation and Tourism Council. Apply by April 17th!

DATE: April 2, 2014

CONTACT: Debbie Havens, Clerk of the Commission

(406) 447-8410 


The City of Helena has the following board openings:

Board of Adjustment

One citizen to serve as the alternate member on the Board of Adjustment. The term will begin 

upon appointment and expire October 1, 2015.

The five-member board acts on applications for variances in the zoning ordinance. 

Civil Service Board

One city resident to serve on the Civil Service Board. The term will begin upon appointment and expired May 1, 2017.

This three-member board serves as a Grievance and Appeals Board for City employees.

Lewis & Clark County Heritage Preservation and Tourism Council

One city resident to serve on the Lewis & Clark County Heritage Preservation and Tourism 

Council. The term would begin on July 2, 1014 and expire June 30, 2017.

The seven-member Council advises the City and the County on various issues affecting historic resources and focuses on education, planning and zoning, and economic development. 

Non-Motorized Travel Advisory Council (NMTAC)

One city resident to serve on the Non-Motorized Travel Advisory Council. Term will begin upon 

appointment and expire March 31, 2017.

The general purpose of the council is to advise the City Commission and Neighborhood 

Transportation Program. Duties will include: 

1. Recommending priorities in plan implementation and facility maintenance; 

2. Advocating for non-motorized facilities in development projects;

3. Developing, supporting and sponsoring educational programs;

4. Advocating for funding in the City budget and identifying potential funding 


5. Reviewing and advising on grant applications, including CTEP;

6. Advising on traffic-calming measures;

7. Developing and distributing a non-motorized transportation system map.

Zoning Commission

One city resident to serve as the alternate member on the Zoning Commission. The un-expired 

term will begin upon appointment and expire September 30, 2015.

This commission shall perform zoning functions for the city and shall be the sole Zoning Commission for the City of Helena.

Applications are available at or by calling 447-8410 and can be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office, 316 N. Park Avenue, Room 323, Helena, MT 59623. The deadline for all board applications is 4:00 p.m., Thursday, April 17, 2014.