Monday, January 9, 2012

Expanding Recycling in Helena

Photos of the new City of Helena recycling sites at the east end of the Capitol Hill Mall and at the median between on Cruse Ave towards Park Avenue and directly across from Dale Harris Park and coverage of recycling programs in the Helena Independent Record.

"........Thumbs up to increased recycling....[Helena Independent Record - Jan 6, 2012]

The city of Helena continues to take incremental steps toward a more inclusive recycling program. Starting on Wednesday, Jan. 18, and on the third Wednesday of each month going forward, the transfer station will accept electronic waste — televisions, computers, monitors and the like. With personal electronics becoming ever-more affordable and ubiquitous, disposal becomes a larger problem, and it’s good to see the city moving toward finding a way to take these items, some of which have components that need special dismantling and disposal. There’s a per-item fee to be paid for now, which is hardly an incentive to recycle, but at least now residents have a regular and available option for disposing of electronic waste."


"Pines for Perch" program continues through January 16 [HelenaIR, Jan 7, 2012]:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Recycling sites in Helena tomorrow! First electronics collection Jan. 18th!

[From City of Helena PSA]

Off-site Recycling Containers

The City of Helena has recently purchased two (2) new recycling
roll-offs.  On January 6th , 2012 these recycling containers will be
placed at Capitol Hill Mall Parking Lot - East end by the old Dillard's
and at the median between the one-ways on the west end of Cruse Ave
towards Park Avenue and directly across from Dale Harris Park.  These
recycling containers will accept steel cans, aluminum cans, newspapers
and magazines.  Cardboard recycling containers will also be provided at
both sites.

Monthly Electronics Recycling: 

The City of Helena has recently implemented an E-Waste Recycling
Program.  The E-Waste drop off will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each
month from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.  The first drop off will take place on
January 18th, 2012.   Per item fees will apply.

[Items collected to be safely and responsibly recycled through Yellowstone Ewaste Solutions, which also collects from Helena businesses and institutions on a regular basis.]

For additional information call Kim or Jake at 447-8084 or
447-8086 [Helena Transfer Station and Recycling Line or visit ].