Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Continued Recycling Update: Email to fellow Commissioners in Preparation for Discussion at Today's Administration Meeting (Sent Friday)

Update: At last Wednesday's administrative meeting, The Commission unanimously supported a hold on major capital improvements at the Transfer Station pending the results of the study and additional plans for improved recycling!

Mayor, Commissioners,

This past Wednesday, I attended a meeting of the Scratch Gravel Solid Waste District.

In partnership with the City of Helena, the district are commissioning a $50,000 to $60,000 study looking for efficiencies at the Landfill, Transfer Station, Collections, Recycling, and Integration of Operations.  The study would begin as soon as early November and be completed in as little as sixty days, early in the new year.

This coming Wednesday, I will ask that we request capital projects at the Transfer Station be on hold until the study is complete, we have a plan for additional recycling at the facility, and the City Commission formally decides to resume the projects.

We have a great opportunity for improvements to waste collection and recycling at this public facility. It would be a shame to expend over a million public dollars, only to find that efficiencies could have been gained that will better serve our community.

Thank you for considering this in preparation for our important discussion Wednesday. Feel free to contact me with any questions and your thoughts on this matter.

Have a great weekend!


Matt E

Matt Elsaesser, Commissioner
City of Helena, Montana, USA

[Click here for a more detailed statement on Recycling in Helena for Commissioner Elsaesser!]