Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Centennial Trail West to be Built this Summer!!


This afternoon the City of Helena Commission approved a final route to safely connect Centennial Trail from Joslyn to Spring Meadow State Park! 

A abridged version showing of the consultants handout follows (full presentation here, pdf file). A full version can be downloaded here. The route will utilize a former rail spur recently acquired by Lewis & Clark County in partnership with Friends of Centennial Trail and Prickly Pear Land Trust

The route for Centennial Trail West will also include improvements to the Country Club, Joslyn, and Leslie intersection (also below). A four-way stop will increase safety immediately and provide a superior level of service.

Centennial Trail West is primarily funded by the last of Community Transportation Enhancement Funds (CTEP) allocated to Lewis & Clark County and City of Helena. The intersection improvement will be funded by gas tax approved by the commission for this current 2015 fiscal year.


Matt E

Matthew Elsaesser, Commissioner
City of Helena, Montana, USA